Transformation from the inside - out

Meet Pam
Pam Bright is a multi-dimensional healer, life transformation coach, and spiritual intuitive who uses a multitude of modalities to access and channel the frequencies of the spirit world.
She is committed to assisting those who are ready to access, awaken, embrace and become the fullness of who they are by opening to and integrating the multiple levels of consciousness available to them through the spiritual guidance already all around them, so they can fulfill their soul’s purpose for being here at this time.

Our Services
Book your FREE call with Pam to see what service is best for your journey.

Full Body System Wellness Program- A Spiritual Growth Toolkit - Self Directed Home Study Course
This is a pre-recorded program for examining limiting beliefs, learning spiritual tools to help address them, and integrating them into your daily habits so you can live your best life.
You have 21 days of Audio and Video transmissions as well as suggested exercises, music, and practical steps to create a life on your terms.
Contact :

Soul Contract Activation
This is a pre-recorded program for examining limiting beliefs, learning spiritual tools to help address them, and integrating them into your daily habits so you can live your best life.
You have 21 days of Audio and Video transmissions as well as suggested exercises, music, and practical steps to create a life on your terms.
Contact :

Spirit Team Creation
Gather your guides, teachers, and spirit helpers together to help you! Discover your Unique Spritual Team of Beings who are here for you in this life on Planet Earth. Through guided visualization and using all of your senses, you will consciously connect with your Spirit Team, ask them for help, and begin having relationships with these beings who have been with you since you came into this human form.

Radio Show
The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright is all about honoring you as a spiritual being having a human experience.
You have made it to this page for a reason.
It’s no mistake that you are here on Earth right now at this moment in history.
You get to choose the spirit path you take.
You can connect to the spiritual guidance already all around you.
This show is designed to help you access and embrace the fullness of who you are as a whole being which includes your mind, body and soul, and spirit.

Gratitude Moments
Pam is a multi-faceted intuitive energy healer and a loving spiritual coach. I've been working with her for a few months now, and after each session, I feel a renewed sense of openness, healing, and connection with my true nature. Her light language is beyond beautiful and she easily taps into her divine angelic team for additional energetic guidance throughout each session. When you work with her you feel you have a true friend who wants to support you every step of the way. I highly recommend her!
Barb A.
Pam Bright is an incredible healer, coach, and channel. She anchors a space of unconditional love for her clients that allows them to feel safe and supported. In her one-on-one sessions, Pam works to ground and clarify the intention of the client and meets them where they are at. Through gentle questioning, Pam elicits where the client would like to go with the session and the work that is needed. She then uses every tool at her disposal, ( and there are alot of them) to bring in the light codes and energies for the transformation to effortlessly occur. Each session with Pam brings unique gifts that propel one forward on their personal path of evolution. You have to experience her work!