Spiritual Transformation Coaching
As your Coach, you will be supported in discovery, acknowledgment, and activation of the things that you are committed to embracing in your life. I will act as your cheerleader as you have your ah-ha's in life, and hold you in the love and light of your soul self and mirror to you what I see. Design your own goals and receive the guidance and tools you need to reach those goals.
Wellness Coaching
Create and implement the life of your dreams. You are a human being with multiple aspects of who you are. Through Wellness Coaching, we take the full body as a system to discover, uncover, and embrace the multidimensional being that you are. You will receive and claim a plan of action for tackling some of the many challenges that being human can illuminate.

Soul Activation
Each human being has a soul. Each time the soul experiences a lifetime it has many experiences that leave an imprint on the soul that often is brought into future lifetimes. Through energetic sound frequencies and channeling, Pam will download and activate your current soul contract and release others that are ready for you to let go of for your current incarnation.
Spirit Team Creation
Discover your Unique Spritual Team of Beings who are here for you in this life on Planet Earth. Through guided visualization and using all of your senses, you will consciously connect with your Spirit Team, ask them for help, and begin having relationships with these beings who have been with you since you came into this human form.
Usui Reiki Attunement
Levels 1, 2 and Master
Awaken your hands-on healing ability through being initiated into the Usui Reiki System of Healing for the whole body! Learn to heal yourself and others with direct contact and remote healing. Create sacred space through this ancient spiritual practice of blessing from the Creator of All that is.

Sacred Sound Transmissions
Allow yourself to experience the various sounds from the many guides, teachers, angels and invisible helpers through Pam's voice and various instruments. Blessings, Ceremonies, Special Events
Full Body System Wellness Program- A Spiritual Growth Toolkit - Self Directed Home Study Course
This is a pre-recorded program for examining limiting beliefs, learning spiritual tools to help address them, and integrating them into your daily habits so you can live your best life.
You have 21 days of Audio and Video transmissions as well as suggested exercises, music, and practical steps to create a life on your terms.
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