Pam's Story
Pam Bright is the CEO and founder of Bright Butterfly Enterprises. She opened up the business in March of 2019, when she began working various psychic fairs.
Her spiritual gifts were ready to serve others and this was a perfect platform for her to flourish as a professional in a new field of study.
As a highly intuitive messenger, Pam uses her gifts of spiritual intuition, sacred connections, sound transmissions of light and love, and committed guidance to provide group and individual services for you on your spiritual journey..
Pam's spiritual awakening began in 1984, with the Harmonic Convergence Event. Her abstinence from all chemicals opened her up to receive the beginnings of her healing gifts of hands on healing and her highly charged intuitive abilities. She was introduced to many different religions, sacred ceremonies, and group healing venues.
Pam’s work is centered around creating conscious connections between your human self and the world of spirit all around you, creating fully integrated, fully expressed, spiritually awakened human beings.
Pam believes that we are all spiritual beings who are currently having a human experience. The state of BEING a human encompasses your entire experience, although you may not yet have accessed the EXPANDED nature of consciousness available to you through daily conscious spirit connection.
As a spiritual transformation coach and energy intuitive, Pam encourages you to embrace full body system wellness which incorporates all the forms of physical body healing and well being, also incorporating multiple spiritual connection tools that you can use to enhance your ability to receive your own intuitive messages and guidance for what is needed to move forward.
Each coaching or energy transmission session is specifically tailored to your needs at the moment and therefore is unique.
Pam is all about the conscious connections between people and their spirit guides, spirit teams, ancestors, ascended masters as well as celestial beings of pure love, energy & light, all of which are available to connect to for information about how to navigate our time here on Earth.
One of the services Pam is most excited about is helping connect you to your spirit team, or the collection of spirit guides, ancestors, ascended masters, and universal energies that are specifically for you.
From Pam’s perspective, it is not enough to simply awaken to your soul’s purpose, letting those notions and dynamics inform your actions. Nor is it enough to occasionally say a prayer or reach out for help only when you need it. The challenge that Pam presents is nothing less than to fully integrate with your spirit team, walking in concert with them along your journey.
Inspired by the Native American medicine wheel, Pam adopted the spirit name Butterfly after participating in a ceremonial butterfly dance. Upon emerging from her own “dark night of the soul”, she expanded her spirit name to be Bright Shining Butterfly Woman, honoring her journey through the darkness and reclaiming her place in the light.
Bright Butterfly Enterprises works with individuals and groups in spiritual mentoring, healing services, and also offers programs for creating daily spiritual practices and moving through spiritual blocks.
The intention of Pam’s work is to honor you as an individual
Pam believes that every single person on the planet is an individual first. Primarily this means that each person will come to know their connection to spirit in a different way. Because of this, Pam offers a great variety of tools, processes, programs, and practices to help each person find what works the best for them to activate and awaken, release and heal, access and receive and absorb and integrate the spirit information available to them.