I remember that it was January of 2020 and I was still going strong in my massage career. As far as I knew, the way to survive and make ends meet was to work my ass off and hope that we would make it to the next paycheck with my job. It didn't seem like there was any other way besides what I was doing. And still, my heart yearned for something else. I felt like I was always going to be feeling stressed and up against money and frustrated because I really wanted to fulfill on my life purpose.
February of 2020 I had one of my clients say that he was taking a trip to visit his family in Korea. He returned in March with what I thought was an absurd and crazy story. I remember wondering previous to his return what was taking him so long to make another appointment with me and when he told me about his events of his trip, what I began judging as DRAMA began to unfold.
My client told me that he and his family took a trip to China to visit some other family members. He said that they were told to stay inside of the home that they were in and they couldn't leave China for 2 weeks. They were also told to wear masks. My disbelief took over and I decided that it was a ridiculous story and that my client didn't understand what he was told being that English was not his first language.,
WTF??? I was flabbergasted by what I continued to hear via social media, news headlines, friends, and colleagues. I began hearing that businesses were shutting down. And then, my massage spa closed!
Once again, I was faced with the question, "is this the end of my massage career?"
I had thought I was done many times before my 25th year, but March of 2020 seemed like it was really final. Everything was shutting down, and panic and anger was growing to massive proportions. Clear across the planet, the world, it seemed was coming to an end.
Then and there, when I was wondering my fate, I made a decision. I began another deep soul search of myself, my life, and my future.
Since I realized that I really wanted to be done with massage therapy and fully integrate my spiritual gifts into my financial livelihood, I ended my job and retired myself!
Since I had begun doing little bits here and there of my spiritual work, I hoped that I could make it as a sole proprietor and be able to take care of myself and my family. As I got mentored by some powerful leaders around money and fully owning my gifts, I gained more confidence. But, I was really unsure about the future of my life, my family's well being, and really the future of how the whole world was going to look from this global crisis.
As I meditated on what was happening with what everyone was calling a pandemic of the Covid-19 virus, it felt to me like every system was being reset. I was being coached in claiming my financial sovereignty and calling in my abundance, at the same time that the world seemed to be on a global PAUSE. I felt as time went on that every system was needing to be looked at and rebuilt- financial, education, healthcare, the ways we have thought about life and survival, and holding on to what was the most precious to us.
Issues about race, religion, politics, and individual rights became a daily headline all over the globe. What was happening? Before this year I had been unaffected by this unrest. But now there seemed to be an outcry of enormous proportions. Living in a big city with shopping malls and traffic that was constant noise pollution was a nuisance but what was really eerie was it all stopped!!!!! My neighborhood was silent. Nobody was on the streets, there were no vehicles, all of the businesses were closed, it was super weird.
I didn't go anywhere. I started developing my spiritual business. I talked about the state of unrest publicly on social media. It felt like a turning point. It felt like the world was never going to be the same. It felt super important to wake up and be available to miracles. The big question that wasn't being asked was............
NOW WHAT???????
